Our experienced back-office consultants help ensure our solutions meet your specific needs and provide maximum ROI.

Back-office Operations helps automate and simplify many activities in the back-office while providing unprecedented visibility into — and data about — the people, the processes and the work performed in back-office operations.

Back office departments are not typically associated with customer service. Yet, back office operations have the ability to impact the customer experience. When back office worker do their job well, customer expectations are met, and sometimes exceeded. However, when errors are made, processing guidelines are not followed or backlogs mount, front office volumes rise, operational costs increase and customer dissatisfaction ensues.

Flexton Back Office Performance extends front office efficiency into back office operations. It automates manual processes, integrates data from employees’ desktops, improves forecast accuracy, enables managers to view and manage resource capacity, and empowers employees to improve their performance. It also provides tools to ensure regulatory compliance, and ultimately, elevate the level of service customers receive across the entire enterprise.


Flexton is the Back Office Support partner of choice for leading banks, Independent Sales Organizations and Value Added Resources. Our team prepares, boards, advises, defends and informs clients with 24/7 accessibility, and is dedicated to providing the highest level of merchant support available in the industry. Our comprehensive Back Office Support team, knowledgeable customer support experts and flexible service offerings help increase efficiencies throughout our clients' organizations, while providing optimal support to their merchants. When leveraging our Back Office Support, our clients get a complete customer support solution that is both cost-efficient and scalable to meet the evolving needs of their businesses.